Bee BC Program - Campaign 

Website Content  (3x 5m)

  Bee Health in the Kootenays  

Bees Flourishing in Forage Opportunities Created on Kootenay Conservation Farm

  West Kootenay Schools Abuzz with Observation Hives  


Bee BC Program - Campaign

Slocan Valley, BC; Creston, BC


I was tasked by with producing the content for the Bee BC Program's website. We traveled to eastern British Columbia and visited various groups involved with the Bee BC Program. Honey Bee Zen Apiaries, Elk Root Farms Conservatory and the Bee Awareness Society.  

Director/DP: Luke Strahm

Camera Op: Noah Browne

Producer: Allison Lundy

Editor: Luke Strahm

Sound Mixer: Gabe Massey

In association with British Columbia and IAFBC

Website Campaign

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